- Age: 13 - 18
- Hours: - 1.5
The goals of the lesson
The main goal of the lesson is for students to: a. Gain new knowledge about old objects, but also to know what preceded today's modern objects b. Awaken curiosity and motivate themselves to explore more the past of modern objects. The lesson is intended for all students - of course it would be desirable to include those who are less motivated to arouse their interest. Specific objectives: • Determining the material learned (student knows the most important information about all subjects that were researched during the lesson) • Understanding the data (student understands the historical context from which the subject comes) • The student can compare an old subject with a modern subject
Work methods and techniques
The teacher will be the leader of the whole lesson and will be in charge of: • Provision of work materials (1 laptop per group, 1 hard paper per group, felt-tip pens) • Divide students into groups • Exchange of subjects by groups • Research assistance (referring to specific historical sites where they can find specific information) • Dynamics during research presentation; encouraging students by asking questions • Conducting a final discussion and comparing old with modern subjects
Teaching aids
- Historical resources
- Photographs
- Old artefacts (ec. Old typewriter, lantern, old war helmet, charcoal iron)
Course of lesson
The lesson is designed to take place over 1 hour and 30 minutes and to be divided into 2 parts within that time frame (the first part of the 45-minute lesson and the second part of the 45-minute lesson) – 1. The first part of the lesson: a. The lesson begins with a presentation of the items that the students brought from their homes, after which they are divided into groups of four. The teacher should encourage students to exchange subjects and for everyone to receive a subject that someone else has brought from home. Each group must research 1 or a maximum of 2 items they brought (depending on how many items they managed to bring). b. Students should present the items they brought from home in 10 minutes. After the presentation of the subject, each group is assigned 1 laptop which serves as a modern research method. c. Students have 30 minutes to research, during which they must research the subject (s) that belonged to them. During the research, students write down the most important and interesting information and transfer it in the form of a presentation on a large hard paper that will serve as a basis for the presentation of the research that they must present at the end of the first part of the lesson. 2. Second part of the lesson: a. The second part of the lesson begins with a presentation of the research done by the students and lasts up to 30 minutes. The teacher should pay attention to the dynamics of the whole group and encourage students to ask questions to their colleagues to conclude the most important information from the research. b. The last 15 minutes of the lesson are devoted to comparing the researched old objects with the modern ones. The teacher should instruct the students to think for themselves and conclude (if they have not previously researched it) which modern subject is comparable to the old subject they have researched. c. At the end of the lesson, students vote whose presentation was the best for them