Artefact #: 829

Gradski vrt was built 1750 and it was concidered one of the most beautiful park in Osijek. Itz was funded by the city commission and it was decorated at franch style. The influence of the parks garden architecture was pronounced of the park in Schoenbrunn. It was favourite place and resort of the citisent of Osijek.
In 1950 park was destroyed by the communist authority because communist concidered the parks insignificiant and that it was better to build something mosre usefull in that place. That's why they build a football stadium.

The stadium was officialy opened in 1980. The first match at that stadium was played on September 7 th 1958 between Proleter from Osijek and Sloboda from Tuzla.

Gradski vrt je napravljen oko 1750. godine i smatrao se jednim od najljepših parkova u Osijeku. Utemeljen je od strane gradskog poglavarstva, a uređen je u francuskom stilu s očitim utjecajem vrtne arhitekture parka u Schoenbrunnu. Bio je omiljeno okupljalište Osječana i središte društvenog života.
Oko 1950. godine, park je uništen od strane komunističkih vlasti jer su komunisti smatrali da su parkovi beskorisni i da se tamo treba izgladiti nešto korisnije. Zbog toga su izgradili nogometni stadion.
Smatrali su da su sportske i stambene zgrade korisnije i da su to znakovi napretka društva.

Stadion je službeno otvoren 1980. godine, a prva utakmica je bila odigrana 1958. godine između Proletera iz Osijeka i Slobode iz Tuzle.

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